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незалежний інтернет-проект * independent internet project

Ліга Ресурсних Центрів
Форум: "Пропоную роботу"
Тема: "PR Specialist"
Автор: Olena Trach Дата: {ts '2004-07-16 13:33:18'}
Our Client, one of the leading international FMCG companies is looking for a Specialist in Government Relations
Location: Kiev

Job description:
1.Maintain an up-to-date knowledge of the political and economic environment in Ukraine, in order to be constantly alert to key government policy plans and initiatives, which could affect the company’s business.
2.Develop and maintain proactive contacts with officials in Parliament, Cabinet of Ministers, key ministries governmental bodies, NGOs, etc. in order to find solutions on the most critical issues, ensuring long term respect and on-going communications.
3.Participate in the development and implementation of long-term strategy and action plans in maintaining favorable tax regime in Ukraine. Minimize negative effect of tax rise.
4.Acquire and maintain a superior level of expertise in CA issues concerning tax regimes, marketing freedoms, packaging and labeling, UP prevention, interstate customs and tax unions and WTO-related issues. Study international corporate activities and developments in taxation, marketing freedoms and consumer issues.

Candidate Requirements:
• University degree (in economics or in law is preferred)
• Good command of English
• 2 + years of work experience (Contacts in Governmental circles)
• Male/female aged under 32

Those who are qualified, please, send your CV's to the following address:

Щоб розмістити відповідь по темі спершу слід залогінитись


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Яке Ваше ставлення до епідемії ВІЛ/СНІД в Україні?
Україна має посилити відповідь на епідемію
Україна робить достатньо з цього приводу
Це не стосується мене особисто, але я стурбований
Це не стосується мене особисто і мені байдуже

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